作者: redhousepainter 发表日期: 2003-10-10 20:21:54 返回《世界音乐新空》 快速返回
下午去买DVD时惊喜的发现EVERYTHING BUT THE GIRL《LIKE THE DESERT MISS THE RAIN》,碟子的质量只能用一个烂字形容,画面和劣质VCD没什么差别,但内容上可以打一个漂亮90分,9首MUSIC VEDIO,3首DEMO试听,若干图片,最让人感动的是还有三首LIVE,曲目里竟然有BEFORE TODAY和PROTECTION,BEN WATT在现场负责ROLAND KEYBOARD和吉他,TRACY身着一条朴素的帆布裙,脚穿一双白色运动鞋,刚才在看TRACY唱着“ My heart is that much harder now,That’s what I thought before today,My heart is that much harder now,I thought that it would stay that way, before today,Before today ”时,我的鼻子有点酸啊。人大了,千万不能一个人听老歌,切记切记。
就是开不了口 让她知道 我一定会呵护著你也逗你笑
你对我有多重要 我後悔没 让你知道 安静的听你撒娇
看你睡著 一直到老
就是开不了口 让她知道 就是那么简单几句 我办不到
整颗心悬在半空 我只能够 远远看著 这些我都做得到
time can cure everything
补充日期: 2003-10-10 20:18:36
I don’t want excuses
I don’t want your smiles
I don’t want to feel like we’re apart a thousand miles
I don’t want your attitude
I don’t want your things
But I don’t want a phone that never rings
I want your love and I want it now
I want your love and I want it now
I don’t want your history
I don’t want that stuff
I want you to shut your mouth
That would be enough
I don’t care if you’ve been here before
You don’t understand
Tonight I feel above the law, I’m coming into land
I want your love and I want it now
I want your love and I want it now
My heart is that much harder now
That’s what I thought before today
My heart is that much harder now
I thought that it would stay that way, before today
Before today
But I don’t want a phone that never rings
I want your love and I want it now
I want your love and I want it now
I want your love 的确应该感概一番,呵呵
ps:几位买到这张dvd的朋友都说画质不行,其实我手头的正版画质也不行,应该是D5,至于说封面简陋?正版封面就是和Like The Dessert Miss The Rain的cd一样的,我的正版booklet居然一幅彩页都没有呢~~~ 对对,我也买到了