上美术馆啊~还有讲话....唱歌.....写字..........讲饱了,唱累了,写完了,自然也可以解脱1部分了 我会没心情干任何事。。。 哈哈...那么就一起去吃云吞面好了.....什么也不做,只会越来越萎靡下去........饮反支益力多啦~ 你就想:当太阳再升起来时所有的都改变了。
着有什么,自己瞎想呗When the god close the door, he will open another window for you, so what will you do then? Just, Jump out of it~~ 抽烟,吃东西~ Originally posted by KAMA at 10-18-2003 02:43 PM:
着有什么,自己瞎想呗When the god close the door, he will open another window for you, so what will you do then? Just, Jump out of it~~
i have dozens of these words to tell, to console others,but when it happens to u ,that's different...
but ,still thanx:) 打热血