不定期瞎说 - cosmic rough riders《pure escapism》
http://image.allmusic.com/00/amg/cov200/drf100/f154/f1548003au9.jpg奋不顾身的弄到这张。。不明白AMG为什么评价他们是ALT COUNTRY。。明明来自格拉斯哥。。。明明就是小清新吉他么。。这两个星期以来把第5首CAMERA SHY狂听了100遍。。。小小伤感加结尾那句 EVERYTIME I TOUCH YOU I FEEL GOOD真是上口。。。朋友说REVOLUTION比这首还好听。。。盘里有送MV。。咋听还不错既而越听越好听。。很久没听这么爽朗的ROADSONG了。。WE DONT NEED REVOLUTION IN SUMMERTIME。。。昨天晚上在QQ上放给朋友听。。。网络传送杂音很大我又把音量开得很高。。。那边过一会开始骂人了。。你丫怎么听起重金属来了?? 还有这个团名什么乱七八糟的。。。宇宙暴走骑士??迪波威?? KLIMO兄重出镜湖了,支持 cosmic rough riders~~~~
哭 呵呵。。。WAAL啊。。。COSMIC 你不会喜欢听的啦。。。 S : The first, usual obligatory question, where did the name ‘Cosmic Rough Riders’ come from?
D: There’s a street in Glasgow called Victoria Road, I got off the bus in Victoria Road, there’s a shop with two glass doors, one of the doors had a poster with a girl wearing a pair of rider jeans, the other door had a poster advertising a club night called ‘Cosmic Dreams’, but it’s also the name of an Australian gay condom, (s: really??!!) it’s also the name of the frontline troupes in the Spanish civil war, you know the mad men who went into battle first
Originally posted by klimo at 1-13-2004 01:12: