枕头 发表于 2004-2-5 22:23:43

dance, dance, dance

Withou computer, without internect, without music
The only thing I have, is book.
F**K English, F**k Japenese,
What I need is Chinese.

Fortunately, I got a chinese edition "Dance, Dance, Dance"
Spend two days, means a whole weekend,
To read through it.

"I miss in world, between the real and sheepman"
"I sleep with different girls, I think that is free choice for a 34 years old man"
"I mss the girl in Hotel, that is the place for me, everything is done for me"

I though that is better to read this book in chinese than in English. So, I read it again.

刘尾巴草 发表于 2004-2-6 12:57:34


Festival 发表于 2004-2-7 23:09:42


咆嚎嘶 发表于 2004-2-8 02:51:55

What I need is Chinese

chenfayefaye 发表于 2004-2-8 02:58:45


刘尾巴草 发表于 2004-2-8 17:57:58


Dio 发表于 2004-2-9 10:47:39


不过英文名好像应该是jump jump jump吧

刘尾巴草 发表于 2004-2-9 13:39:51


枕头 发表于 2004-2-9 18:46:37

Originally posted by Dio at 2-9-2004 10:47 AM:

不过英文名好像应该是jump jump jump吧

Really? I am not sure. What I got the english edition is call ~dance, dance,dance.
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