http://www.flyingvirgins.dk/video.html做的特别低沉,但是旋律又很好,一听就入耳 It's in chinese: but a friend of ours tried to say shortly what it said : The reviewer said that he was touched by the vocal. He compared you with Slowdive (the beautiful flying/falling atmosphere)and Mercury Rev (the voice, but he thought Soeren's vocie was even better). He thought that your music was emotional, touching and got a sense of sadness and some songs even made him felt like crying (courtesy of LOK) <full review>
<img src="http://www.flyingvirgins.dk/images/mcb_review.jpg"> 比起MCB来,我总是后知后觉的 不是
刚才随便点就看见MCB的大LOGO一跳出来,吓我一跳 奥.... 那群人吃饱没事天天按字典索引找单词查乐队名下载的:shit: 什么字典?其实我还算很中意MCB,好歹看了4年,99-03.最近这一年也是因为不好买才没看的 袁智聪? 这名字怎么很耳熟? 好像是啥殖民地主编。呵呵。 好了
这帖子成MCB批判大会了 曾经深深影响过我的杂志...:lol::lol::lol: 呵呵哈哈 啊啊哈哈 Originally posted by 群青 at 3-10-2004 08:10 PM:
群青 这本音乐天堂是不是有“柠檬树”?^_^我映象中是…………:why: 我喜欢MCB。。。看不到了
对了,那套淡绿盒子的ROBERT WYATT在我们这儿一张卖15欧