一 登http://www.google.com二 输入 weapons of mass destruction 即:大规模杀伤性武器
三 点击:手气不错(不能点google搜索) 哈哈! 咋没人关注, 伊拉克局势, 嘿嘿 有什么特殊结果吗??
看不出 哈哈 强 These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed
The weapons you are looking for are currently unavailable. The country might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your weapons inspectors mandate.
Please try the following:
Click theRegime change button, or try again later.
If you are George Bush and typed the country's name in the address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. (IRAQ).
To check your weapons inspector settings, click the UN menu, and then click Weapons Inspector Options. On the Security Council tab, click Consensus. The settings should match those provided by your government or NATO.
If the Security Council has enabled it, The United States of America can examine your country and automatically discover Weapons of Mass Destruction.
If you would like to use the CIA to try and discover them,
clickDetect weapons
Some countries require 128 thousand troops to liberate them. Click the Panic menu and then click About US foreign policy to determine what regime they will install.
If you are an Old European Country trying to protect your interests, make sure your options are left wide open as long as possible. Click the Tools menu, and then click on League of Nations. On the Advanced tab, scroll to the Head in the Sand section and check settings for your exports to Iraq.
Click theBomb button if you are Donald Rumsfeld.
Cannot find weapons or CIA Error
Iraqi Explorer
Bush went to Iraq to look for Weapons of Mass Destruction and all he found was this lousy T-shirt. 我记得一小故事:
有人回复道:“原来伊拉克果然藏了Weapons of Mass Destruction ;)”
清纯者看不懂的 回到楼帖来:直接点“google搜索”也照样得出那个结果嘛,手气不错一般就是第一个 这个狠早类