badbrain 发表于 2004-9-4 17:16:46

每一天,生命在继续!RIP, 2Pac

How many brothas fell victim to tha streetz
Rest in peace young nigga
there's a Heaven for a 'G'
be a lie
If I told ya that I never thought of death
my niggas
we tha last ones left
but life goes on....

Life Goes on已经在机子里放了一天。这是我最喜欢的2Pac的歌曲之一。百听不厌吧!


听Life Goes on总会产生一种很暗淡的心情。明显的,这个时刻疏于做任何事情。实际上在地铁、公车上除了看书,听音乐也无过多的事情可做。伴随着一个又一个Chorus,从马路的这端到另一端,如果2Pac还活着究竟会怎么样呢?突然冒出这个问题。

不是别人,正是2Pac亲手创造了关于自己的神话。我痛恨他死后出版的那些作品,我认为那些东西不是代表2Pac个人意愿的,只是在榨干他身上所有的金钱价值。我更愿意相信,他将永远不会把那些作品公布于市,他喜欢的音乐中有他的灵魂而不是统统的铜臭味儿。Life Goes on是这样的一首歌,用他全部的感情唱着熟悉的和未知的世界。生命在继续,不为任何人停留,2Pac都明白。他是个智者,只有智者才能写出这样的音乐。他是个勇士,只有真正的勇士才了解死亡和恐惧。
RIP, 2Pac!
Bury me smilin'
with G's in my pocket
have a party at my funeral
let every rapper rock it
let tha hoes that I usta know
from way before
kiss me from my head to my toe
give me a paper and a pen
so I can write about my life of sin
a couple bottles of Gin
incase I don't get in
tell all my people i'm a Ridah
nobody cries when we die
we outlaws
let me ride
until I get free
I live my life in tha fast lane
got police chasen me
to my niggas from old blocks
from old crews
niggas that guided me through
back in tha old school
pour out some liquor
have a toast for tha homies
see we both gotta die
but ya chose to go before me
and brothas miss ya while you're gone
you left your nigga on his own
how long we mourn
life goes on...

健崔 发表于 2004-9-5 06:28:17

hit him rolling

alien8 发表于 2004-9-5 20:51:45


weed 发表于 2004-9-5 21:12:16


alien8 发表于 2004-9-5 21:36:30


badbrain 发表于 2004-9-7 11:21:18


直直 发表于 2004-9-12 23:34:19

我最喜欢的是 50-CENTIN DA CLUB!
因为 是街球CLIP 最好的配乐!!!

khlai 发表于 2004-9-20 00:24:19

街球和50.... e...还不如放2pac呢

its me to against world 歌名忘记了,我听下来最有感觉.. 但听他的也不敢听太多,容易不爽

dear mama也不错,我还弄到了他的instrumental,rappa玩玩 哈..
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