iKe 发表于 2004-10-9 21:42:25

[欲搞]巨制! 决不可错过~

George Clooney, Janeane Garofalo, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn, Michael Moore, George W. Bush, John Kerry, 'Kim Jong Il' .... will all HATE this movie!

South Park的恶搞二人组Trey Parker和Matt Stone再次推出"大手笔巨作"——Team America World Police 10月15日公映 何时能出D版啊 :love:


详细内容请登陆官网 有很多有趣的东东哦 看过trailer后对这部电影实在是太期待了: :yearn:



Trivia for
Team America: World Police (2004)

The very first footage screened for Paramount executives was of a poorly crafted puppet in front of a background of a badly drawn Eiffel Tower, prompting one executive in the audience to yell. "Oh god, they f#$%ed us!" This was a prank pulled by the directors and the shot then pans over to a beautiful parisian landscape with much better looking puppets.

The idea for the film came in 2003 when Matt Stone and Trey Parker were watching television and came across re-runs episodes of "Thunderbirds" (1964), which Parker had never seen. Instantly intrigued, the two decided a marionette action film would be "the perfect way to send up all those Jerry Bruckheimer movies".

Before Trey Parker and Matt Stone settled on the final plot for this film, one of their original ideas was to do an all-puppet version of Day After Tomorrow, The (2004). They had been given a copy of the script and thought it was already funny as was; but thought that if they were to make it into an all-puppet movie; then it would substantially funnier. The main reason why this idea never came to fruition was because of legal problems with the studio who owned the rights to the film.

The movie was originally given a NC-17 Rating by the MPAA. It was reduced to an "R", after a sex scene between two puppets was edited.


金正日的卡通造型还蛮酷的 :fuck:

More Pix:



iKe 发表于 2004-10-11 21:17:00


難道大家都不喜歡South Park麽 難道沒有人對這部片子有興趣麽 :tears:


不過今天下午好開心 買到了Stone Roses的DVD 是91年的 有Blackpool的Live 還有很多電視表演 還有Music Videos :yearn:


還有Kylie的Body Language專輯的launch live at london apollo 好好看啊 :sese:



我等了好久的Antonioni的 Alain Delon和冰山美女Monica Vitti :love:


iKe 发表于 2004-10-12 11:13:00


Kylie的Slow的MV 是不是有好幾個版本呢 爲什麽我原先在雜誌上看到說Slow裏她和一群hunks玩100P 還在他們身上滾來滾去 我昨天買的DVD裏的MV她最多只有搔首弄姿 也沒見她在周圍的hunks身上滾來滾去 :why:

张叔平 发表于 2004-10-12 17:17:30

你的帖子字数太多了 ~~

iKe 发表于 2004-10-12 17:19:06

沒有Kylie的MV裏淫男淫女多 :coque:

purepure 发表于 2004-10-13 13:55:56

South Park....什么时候才能弄到第5季......

iKe 发表于 2004-10-13 14:26:42

啊 pp 我也一直在等 但Comedy Central還沒有發佈關於第五季DVD出版的消息




SP現在進入第8季了 何時才能都收齊啊 X-o

出库单 发表于 2004-10-13 15:34:28

啊!这片子偶超级有兴趣阿! 那天就马上点你的链接上去了,不过最后忘记了回帖。。。汗。。。

Larme 发表于 2004-10-13 15:44:02

iKe在 10-13-2004 14:26 发表:

啊 pp 我也一直在等 但Comedy Central還沒有發佈關於第五季DVD出版的消息



http://qcom.im ...

刚刚在听SP的演唱会bootleg, Billy Corgan在一首歌里面瞎唱I'm on the way to South Park.然后下面尖叫声立刻提高了一倍

张叔平 发表于 2004-10-13 16:09:18

我比较想看 凯米 的内张 

b_monkey 发表于 2004-10-13 21:31:58

stone roses给我看嘛!

iKe 发表于 2004-10-14 11:11:12

宁姨 你那天怎么那么粗心啊 :tears: 不过好开心你也对这片感兴趣 :ambi:

Larme 那是什么歌 我好想听 :yearn:

张叔 你想看要赶紧去找啊 :obasan:

BM 亲爱的 我下次去至尚买张送你咯 :cute:

睡谷 发表于 2004-10-16 16:02:02

《SOUTH PARK》出了这么久我都抽不出时间去看,究竟是什么东东阿!看来要去看看

iKe 发表于 2004-10-17 11:11:39

睡谷在 16-10-2004 16:02 发表:

《SOUTH PARK》出了这么久我都抽不出时间去看,究竟是什么东东阿!看来要去看看

无论如何也要抽时间看啊 真的 否则人家不跟你好了 :ambi:


akajohndavis 发表于 2004-10-17 23:57:32

uncle fuckaaaa

古柯碱 发表于 2004-10-23 21:23:42

最喜欢每次帽子孩子无辜的死去 还有经典的:u a motherfucker fuck ur asshole@#$%%^^*&*&*(&*(**^$%$###$$fucker!!!......... 好喜欢 

iKe 发表于 2004-10-25 11:10:30

啊 那小可怜是KENNY~ 每集里他的对白让我很抓狂 8-(

我最喜欢Eric Cartman :love::love::love:


Dude, What's Up?!



iKe 发表于 2004-11-2 20:18:20

暴HOUSE在 2-11-2004 19:15 发表:

eric cartman~i am not fat i am just big bones!经典台词~

应该是i am just big boned

抱歉 我总爱纠错 是职业病 不要怪我~ :tears:

babysize 发表于 2004-11-2 22:04:42

big BONE
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