妈的 我的双薪还不知道在哪呢 还有Q304的考核奖
日死资本家 哎呀,出库不好意思,本来讲今天汇出的,但家附近上述3行都没有.
可能明天出街时看下 啊,我刚才咨询了交行的人,他们讲我周一时让公司发封MAIL给交行,更新下信息资料库就可以异地转帐了。嘿嘿,真开心啊。 怎么没工商阿!我附近工商方便,只能明天去交行了。 应大家要求增设工行卡号 今天刚出院阿,头还米洗过呢,等我阿 刚才去拉建设银行,汇款要求填写汇入城市名称阿~请问? sorry for the late reply. i am travelling. now in the Chengdu youth hotel.
the city name is : Nan Ning 出库单在 1-23-2005 22:05 发表:
sorry for the late reply. i am travelling. now in the Chengdu youth hotel.
the city name is : Nan Ning
好好学英语哟~~~ 该死,是youth hostel.
有笔友回信说: I'm wondering why they let you stay in a "youth hotel" (or do you mean hostel?)? I guess they considered your looks and not your calendar age. Or maybe they want an older "mama" to keep the little bad boys out of trouble. You can use your martial arts skills.
:sweat::tears:打击我! 现筹款情况如下(1月29日更新):
暴走阿波罗100 睡谷100 出库单100 indieman 100 bm 100 非谓语动词 50 youyuyi 50 璐果 100
共:700 jaxx 200