同时小布什以一句"They never stop thinking of ways of harming America, and neither do we."获本年度最白痴发言奖巴黎希尔顿勇夺两项大奖:最蠢女人及最白烂骚奖
其他 World Stupidity Awards奖项包括:
-Ashlee Simpson's lip-synching performance on Saturday Night Live for Dumbest Moment of the Year;
-Alien vs. Predator for Stupidest Movie of the Year;
-Crystal meth for Stupidest Trend of the Year;
-North Korean dictator Kim Jong for Stupidity Award for Reckless Endangerment of the Planet;
-Fox News for Media Outlet Which Has Best Furthered Ignorance;
-The World Stupidity Awards for Stupidest Award Show of the Year.