an important news from soapy
I am working hard on myEnglish,so i will post messages in English from now on,please point out thefaults of myEnglish,thanks in advance. come on ,all my friends! BT BT?english?or chinese?
suggestion: you should talk with the pure english man or woman, I think it will help more
hoho~~ GREAT IDEA,THANKS! or you will get that so-called chiglish life sucks everything sucks 找成天闲就没错了
英文呱呱滚的讲 HENTAI ohhhh dear english,soo sweet so familiar,i only know singlish now..... soapy 于 3-8-2003 11:08 写道:
I am working hard on myEnglish,so i will post messages in English from now on,
please point out thefaults of myEnglish,thanks in advance.
soapy is really cool..
Well, I will correct a mistake you've made. In English the word "fault" means shortcoming, malfunction, misdemeanor, and, maybe sometimes it means the same as the word "mistake", but there is something different between "fault" and "mistake". Actually, "fault" always means something that you did intentionally, while "mistake" means something you did accidentally. So in this situation, "mistake" is much more appropriate than "fault". GREAT!!!! faint is excellent in English, a very good student form a famous university er.. a garbage university.. everyone knows that is a wicked UNIV soapy didnt carry it through..! DA JIA DANGNIAN HAO KEAI