馅饼 发表于 2003-3-19 23:41:12

It`s fit for soapy nicely!

all these years i've been denied
all these years i have been on my own
all those words they were a lie
why did you choose me to complete your crime

so why do i have to cry
you don't really have to lie
so many years and so many tears
i'd rather sit here singing lullabies

sometimes your smile hurts a lot
always it makes wounds that never clot
i'm an abandoned pole cat
no one'd take me home
they just leave me alone

november cat

all of the years and all of the tears
i'd rather sit here singing lullabies

一只是被遗弃的小猫,一只是离家出走的猫。。。恩,SOAPY,不如你叫DECEMBER CAT!

soapy 发表于 2003-3-22 12:51:39

(英文表达不清)最近一直在学习,心态就老了很多。。。。。THE PANCAKES的新专集还是没收到,咳

soapy 发表于 2003-3-22 13:08:39

大家发现没有,THE PANCAKES的英文用词总是非常简单,但却很地道哦,好象她是香港大学外文系学德语的,厉害啊

馅饼 发表于 2003-3-23 17:36:40


soapy 发表于 2003-3-28 17:36:40

因为我深切地意识到我的英文是多么差....I AM SO SHALLOW....
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