Current 93 - Falling
Current 93 - Fallingfrom "Island" (Durtro 1991)
黑夜里让人神经战栗的一首歌,异教徒从黑夜里发出的诅咒一般。不挺拍击耳膜的节拍,很有点民族音乐的味道。但是背景里的氛围音效和喃呢的女声,让这首死亡民谣黑暗到了极点。90年代初大约就是Current 93转型之时,这首歌里混杂着早期工业音效和后期的民谣低语,David Tibet这个异色歌者就是如此这般,用他那带着诡异色彩的悲怆嗓音编织着这种笼罩心头的大网。Falling里还请来了Bjork助阵,虽然那时候还未在世界范围内成名,这首歌里我们却可以听出日后Bjork在Post或者Homogenic里味道,且十分成熟。背景里那一声声带着童音和沙哑感觉的呼唤,总让我想起Isobel和Hunter这样的歌。脑海里似乎总有一片类似地狱的风景,Tibet在近前低语着他那亘古不变的挽歌,关于死亡,神秘和绝望,很遥远很遥远的地方是Bjork的身影,她呼应着Tibet的咒语,黑色的衣裙飘飘,如同一个身形娇小的女巫,让人怜爱,唉。
the starlight has faded
the lamplight is dimming
and silence is growing
all around
all around
the voice are stopping
eyesight fading too
all around
we're covered by wind
covered by wind
and if the universe
should decide to stop
what then?
what then?
the starlight has faded
the lamplight is dimming
and all around
we're covered by wind
the shadows slide
down the mountains
the clouds
now have blocked out the sun
the shadows have
blocked out the sun
and if the universe
should decide to stop
what then?
what then?
what then?
the shadows move
down the side of the valleys
too close to home
too close to home 啊,这才发现dido的处女碟里也有isobel和hunter这两个歌名,