英文 詞性中文意義anal adj 肛門的
animalist n. 縱慾者
anus n. 肛門
armpit n. 掖下
aroma n. 芳香 ( 指女性的体味 )
arousal n. 喚醒
assault n. v. 強暴
aurerolen. 乳暈
belly n. 腹部
blousen. 短衫 ( 指套在♀身上到肚臍左右 )
bobbs n. 笨蛋 蠢材
bondage n. 性奴隸
bounce v. 人跳起 跳上跳下 指性行為的規律远动
buck v. 跳躍
bulge n. 腰
bum n. 屁股(英)
buttocks n. 屁股半邊
cervix n. 子宮頸
caress v. 愛抚
chick n. 妞
chill v.n.打顫 形容高潮後的反應
cleavage n. 乳溝
climax n. 高潮
clitoris n. 阴核 short as clit
coax v.巧言騙取 哄誘
coo v. 咕咕叫
coyly adj. 靦腆的
crotch n. 胯下
cunnilingus n. 男口交女
desperate adj. 奮不顧身的
dominant n. 控制奴隸者 vs bondage
embrase n.v. 擁抱 性交
engrogy v. 性慾高張
engrulf v.吸入 捲入
entice v. 誘惑 引誘
erect v. 豎立 ( 常指 ♂ 勃起 ♀ 乳頭堅挺 )
eriotica n. 黃色書刊, 春宮圖片
fame v. 馴服
flickv. 輕彈
flaccid adj. 軟弱無力的
frantic adj.狂乱 (常指 高潮來臨的一剎)
furrown.深溝 皺紋 指女性外阴一帶
garter n. 襪帶 vs。 G-string
gash n.深的裂縫 ( 指股溝 )
gasp v.喘氣 ,喘氣說話
genotal adj. n. 生殖器的
giggle v. 吃吃的笑
gignerly adv. 小心翼翼的
glans n. 龜頭
goo n. 粘質物
gorgy n. 指 狼吞虎嚥 , 对性很饑渴
grab v. 搶
grin v. 露齒而笑 ( 暗含痛苦, 憤怒, 詭計 )
grip v. 緊握
groggy v. 搖
groin n. 鼠蹊
grope v. 摸索
grunt v. 咕嚕 咕嚕 叫
gut n. 大腸 腸
gyrate v. 旋轉
heel n. 腳後跟
hip n. 臀部
horny adj. 性慾高張
hump n. 肉峰 v. 彎曲
hunk n. 屁股 臀部
hussyn.轻佻的女子; 轻佻的女子
incest n. 乱伦
incestuousadj. 乱伦的
jab v. 重複戳刺
jerk v. 突然一拉
kinda abbr。 = kind of
knob n. 球形硬塊 指睪丸 or 龜頭
knuckle n. 指關節
labia n. 唇 ( 有時指嘴唇 有時指阴唇 )
lap n. 膝部 v.舔
lean v. 靠
lick n. 舔
lingerie n. 妇女內衣類
loins n. 腰
luscious adj. 甘美的 性感的
lust n. 色慾 渴望v. 渴望 好色
masochismn. 被瘧待狂
mastubate v. 自慰
neck v. 摟抱对方的脖子 擁吻 愛抚
nibble v. 輕咬 ( 常指 ♂ 咬 ♀ 的乳頭與阴核 )
nub n. 要點 核心 阴核
nudity n. 裸露
nut n. 指 阴囊
nuzzle v. 用鼻插入 摩擦
ogle v. 送秋波 眉目傳情
ooze v. 徐徐湧出
orgasm n. 高潮
orgy n. 狂熱 狂歡
palm n. 手掌
pedophilia n. 恋童癖 short as pedo
pelvis n. 股盤
penetrarte v. 貫穿 指男的插入
pervert n. 变態 性慾倒錯
philter n. 春藥
psychopathn.精神病患者; 精神病患者
piss n. 小便
pissed adj. 忿怒的
plead v. 懇求
porn shop n. 色情書專售店
pornographyn.黃色書籍 猥褻文學
pregnant n. 妊娠
prejortion n. 墮落
prick n. 阴莖
pronto adv.急速地,快速地
pronucleus n. 前核 生殖核 阴核
pubic n. 阴毛的
ram v. 灌輸
rape v. 強奸
retum n. 直腸
roam v. 徜徉 徘徊
sadism n. 虐待狂
scoot v. 輕快的跑開
sheer adj. 質地薄的 ,常指衣物
shove v. 擠壓 , 推, 撞
sigh v. 歎息 歎氣
slap v. 打一巴掌
sleaze adj. 質地薄的 ,常指衣物
slit n. 狹長的裂縫
snatch n.v. 抓 搔
soak v. 使溼透
sodomite n. 鸡奸,兽奸
spank v. 用巴掌打屁股 鞭策
spunk n. 勇氣 精神
spasm n. 痙攣
squeeze v. 擠壓 ( 常指用手按摩女性乳房與阴核)
stiff adj 硬的
stud n. 種馬
submissive n. 順從的,天真的
suliva n. 口水
swirl v. 成旋渦打轉
taboo n. 禁忌
tart n. 娼妓
tease v. 逗弄 ( 常指調情 )
testicle n. 睪丸
tickle v. 搔癢
tingle n. 刺痛 , 興奮
thrill v. 顫动 ( 恐怖 或 快感 )
throb v. 悸动
thrust v. 插入
torso n. 人体的軀幹
tramp n. 身家不清白的女人
trout n. 勸誘 央求
twitch v. 猛拉 痙攣
urethra n. 尿道
vaginal adj. 阴道的
voyeurismn. 窺淫癖
wanton adj. 淫蕩的 n. 水性楊花的女人
weist n. 腰部
whip n. 鞭打
whore n. 娼妓
womb n. 子宮
yank v. 用力猛拉
阴部: privates, uglies, dirties, crotch, nasties, Forbidden Fruits
恋童癖 pedophilia、
施虐受虐狂 sadomasochism
暴露(阴部)狂,暴露癖 exhibitionism
* Male Genitalia ( 男性生殖器官 )
阴莖penis , phallus
anaconda, banana, bat, belly, bird, big thing, cock, dick, dip-stick, dink, ding-dong, dong,
eleventh finger,
hose, Mr。 Happy
jack, jocky, joystick, Johannie,
lollipop, lovemissile, lovestick
member, manhood, meatpipe
one-eyed wonder,
pencil, pendulum, peter, pipe, pistol, piston, prick, prickle, prod,
pump, pood, pud,
root, rooter, rod
sausage, snake, shaft, staff, stick, sword, spike, schlong
tail, thing, thorn, tool, toy, tube, trouser trout, tube steak,
weapon, worm, wanker, warhead, wang
睪丸:(pl。) testicles, testes
balls, bullets, booboos, eggs, nuts, oysters, prunes, stones, whirlygigs,
阴部: crotch
鼠蹊: groin
龜頭: glans penis, glans
包皮: foreskin
阴囊: scrotum
Male sexual response:
勃起: erection
bulge, hard-on, lob, stand, prick-pride, boner, up, hot sex ( bloated, rigid, swollen, stiff ) penis
射精: ejaculation (n.)
rel: bust, come (cum), cream, drop one's load, ease oneself, emit, get off, jet one's juice, let go, milk, pop one's cookies, shoot, squirt, spew, spunk, shoot one's wad, throw up,
自慰: masturbation
abuse oneself, waste time, ( beat, flog, pound ) one's meat,( jerk, jack, jag, pound, toss, whip, whack, work ) off, bob, diddle, frig, hand-job, pump, play with oneself, beat the dummy, pull oneself off, fish for trouser trout
保險套:condom, rubber
bag, Coney Island Whitefish, fish skin, French letter, French tickler
glove, horse, jo-bag, jolly bag, Manhattan eel, Port Said Garter
propho, raincoat, safe, shower cap, skin,
精子,液: sperm, semen
butter, bullets, cum, glue, gism, jam, jism, jerk, jelly, juice, load, milk, mettle, scum, seed, slime, spendings, stuff,
女性生殖器: female genitalia, pudendum,
beard clam, beauty spot, bag, basket, box, bushes, cunt,crack of heaven, crotch, crack, cleft, channel, cooze, fern, Garden of Eden, hole, joy hole, jewelry, love button, Mount Joy, muff, mound, nest, notch, nookey, pussy, quim, slam, snatch, slot, split, slit, sqeezebox, tail, trench, weewee, the Y,
外生殖器, 女阴: vulva
阴阜: mons
大(外)阴唇: labia majora ( outer lips)
小(內)阴唇:labia minora ( inner lips)
阴毛: pubic hair, rel: cunt's hair, parsley patch
阴蒂:clitoris, rel: clit, slit, clitty
會阴: perineum
G 點:Grafenberg spot, G-spot
阴道: vagina, passage
分泌物:vagina discharge
處女膜:hymen, cherry
月經:menstrual flow, menstruation, menses
rel: floods, periods, months
乳房: breasts, bosoms, thorax, udders, mamma
boobs, boobies, bazongas, beauts, bulbs, bumps, busts, buckets, bubs
bubbies, balloons
droopers, dugs
fun bags, fried eggs
globes, grapefruits
hooters, head lights, hammocks
knobs, knocker
lungs, lemons
melons, meat, milky-way, maracas, milk bottles, mobhills
nuggets, nubs
peaches, pellets,
teacups, top, tatas, twins
乳頭:(pl。) nipples
tits, diddies, titties, teats
乳暈: areola
# big brown eyes : nipples and areolas
肛門 : anus, arse,
asshole, backdoor, backway, bucket
crack, cracker, exhaust pipe, hole
shit hole, rear hole, porthole, bunghole, bumhole
bung, dirt chute, dirt road, hoop,
keyster, passage, sewer, anal channel
poopshoot, derier, fudgetunnel,
屁股, 臀部: buttocks, hips
ass, anatomy
butts, bottom, bucket, behind, backside,
cakes, cheeks,
fanny, fundament,
hind, hinder part, hindquarters, haunches,
rear, read end, rump,
snatch, seat,
tail, twat,
性交:sexual intercourse, coitus (coition), copulation
belly ride, bouncy-bouncy, ball, coit, come (about, across, aloft, over), couple, crawl, drive, drive into, ditch, diddle, do, enter, fuck, fill, gash, get in(to), give sb a screwing, go to bed with, grease, give it to sb, grind
hit, have it off with, have, hide the salami, hobble, hump
jack, jazz, jigjig
knock, knock off
lay, lie with,
make love, make, make it with somebody, nookie
occupy, play, plant, put, pluke, porking, pom-pom
piece, have a piece of (ass,tail,butt,skirt,cunt,calico,furniture)
ride, ram, roll in the hay,
score, shove, slip into, stab, stitch, swing, slide, soak, stuff,
slam。 short-arm practice
throb, take a trip around the parsley patch, work
口交: oral-genital sex
rel: eat, lick, mouth job, mouth work, oral, oral service, 69 (sixty-nine),
suck, suck off, tongue fuck, mustache ride,
女对男口交 : fellatio (fellation)
rel : B。J。 , (blow,head,knob,pipe,piston) job,
男对女 :cunnilingus
肛門口交 :anilingus ( anilingism )
肛交: anal (rectal) intercourse
rel: sodomy, pederasty, ass-fuck, backdoor work, butt-fuck
fish for brown trout,
拳指交 : fisting
同性恋 : homosexuality
異性恋 : heterosexuality ; (rel。) straight
雙性恋 : bisexuality
男同性恋: homosexual (homo), gay
rel: ass bandit, bugger, epicene, fag, faggot, freak, Nancy, queer, sissy, pansy, poof, poofter,
女同性恋 lesbian ( les )
rel: dyke (dike), butch, lesbo, lesbyterian, tootsie,
女色情狂, 花癡 : nymphomania ( nympho )
男色情狂: satyriasis, Don Juanism
性慾高漲 : hypersexuality
高潮: orgasm, climax
rel: get lit-up, come, get it off, spasm, ecstasy
愛抚: caress
人造陽具: dildo
振动器: vibrator
早洩: premature ejaculation
夢遺:nocturnal emission , wet dream
前戏: foreplay
兽交: bestiality
S/M, SM, S&M:sadism and masochism
B&D:bondage and discipline
性開放Sex permissiveness 性滿足 Erotism
貞操Chastity 虐待式快感Sadism
性愛 Heterosexuality 手淫 Masturbation
異性魔力 Sex-appeal 夢與妖女交Succubus
約會 Date 夢遺Nocturnal pollution
上身脫光 Topless 脫衣 Undress
下身脫光Bottomless 袒胸 Expose bosom
獻慇勤Gallant 剝光 Strip off
挑逗 Lascivious一絲不掛Nude
誘惑 Lure 赤身 Bar
吊膀子Flirt 裸体 Naked
調戏Philander 半裸Semi-nude
勾搭Accost 不穿褲子 Breechless
勾上 Get-in 天体远动Nudism
送秋波 Ogle 思春 Pubescent
送男人 Vamp 意淫 Idea lewd
灌迷湯 Flattery 想入非非 Fanciful
爭風 Vivalry 淫乱Impurity
吃醋Jealousy 奸淫Adultery
偷偷摸摸Sneaky guy 奸情Amour
半推半就 Between refusal and consent 有之夫
有夫之妇的)情夫 Cicisbeo
leman; paramour; fancy man
接吻 Kiss 情郎 Beau
擁吻 Embrass 奸夫 Adulterer
吐舌 Thrust out tongue 奸妇之夫 Cuckold
乱摸 Fumble about 奸妇 Adulteress
抚弄 Paddle private parts 淫妇Whore
縱慾 Sexual excess 偷情 Illicit intercourse
性衝动Sex impulse 幽會 Trysting
玩弄生殖器Peotillomania 私通Intimacy
鸡巴 Cock 溝合 Venery
阴莖勃起 Priapism 通奸 Liaison
早晨勃起 Morning erection 和奸 Adultery
痛性勃起 Chordee 捉奸 Seize adulterer
蠕动 Peristalsis 兩男夾女 Chicken sandwich
淫樂Carnal pleasure 奸污 Violate
男吃水蜜桃Cunnilingus 鸡奸Sodomy
女吹簫 Fellation 強奸Rape
演活春宮 Performing indecent act 乱交 Promiscuity
春宮 Pronography 人兽性交 Bestiality
假阴莖Olisbos 屍奸 Necromania
羊眼圈 Hair circle 交接痛 Dysparcunia
挑逗女性器官器 Vibrator
Vibrator 是振动器, 就是 A 片中有個用電池驅动的假陽具
性冷感 Frigidity
子宮帽 Cervix cap 陽痿 Impotence
子宮套 Pessary 萎縮 Atrophy
樂普 Loop 虛脫 Abiotrophy
橡膠環 Rubberring 色慾過度 Lustful excess
男用保險套French cap;Lubricate prophylactic保險套一般就直接用 condom 節慾Continence
潤滑剂 Antifriction
潤滑剂應該是 Lubrication, 常見如 K-Y jelly
絕欲 Suppress passion
滑液Synovia 不能人道 Asexualitand
內分泌 Endocrine內分泌 Endocrine
內分泌物叫 hormone 乱伦Incest
分泌物 Secretion 倒鳳顛鸞Sexual perversion
淫水Semen 性反常行為 Perversion
房事 Conjugal rite 同居過夜 Shack
性行為 Sexual behavior 陪愛人睡 Bundling
性潮紅Sex flush 擁抱而睡 Cuddle
性交 Sexual intercourse溫柔鄉 Conjugal bed
交合 Coition 捲逃 Abscond
開苞 Depucelation;defloration 私奔 Elopement
興奮期 Excitement 仙人跳 Creep joint
高原期 Plateau 放白鴿 Stool pigeon
高潮期 Orgasm 色慾Concupiscent
消退期 Resolution 銷魂 Rapture
早洩Prematured ejaculation 貞操 Chastity Virginity
射精 Ejaculation 性愛 Heterosexuality這是指異性間的, 同性用 Homosexuality
射精終止 Onanism 挑逗 Lascivious
一般非文學作品多半用 stimulate
阴戶外射 Coitus interrupted 阴莖勃起 Priapism
勃起一般用 erection
忍精交 Coitus reserved假阴莖Olisbos 這個口語有另外的字
乳間交 Coitus intermammas
屈交式 Knee-chest position 淫水 Semen
這個錯的很離譜, semen 是精液 -___- 果然很强... 哈哈,全部记住了,过几天soapy你考我! 什么叫做“groinn.--- 鼠蹊”??
“jab v. 重複戳刺” ---呵呵这个强
“肛門口交 :anilingus ( anilingism ) “---我才不干呢 鼠蹊 = 腹股沟 喔哦~~