Indieman 发表于 2003-5-21 21:30:27


Q: If Hollywood made the life story of Tracey Thorn, who should play
    Tracey - Jennifer Anniston or Kristen Scott Thomas?
A: Kristen Scott Thomas 79%, Jennifer Anniston 21%.

Q: Should the next album return to traditional acoustic textures, or should
    it continue along the recent path into electronica?
A: Acoustic 49%, Electronica 51%.

Q: "I just like the music and the voice. Tracey could sing the instructions
      from a washing machine manual for all I care. I don't ever really think   
      much about EBTG's lyrics." Do you feel the same?
A: Yes 7%, No 93%

Q: Hypothetically, if EBTG could collaborate with either Sting or Dr Dre,
    who would you choose?
A: Sting 72%, Dr Dre 28%.

       Fans are putting a lot of pressure on EBTG to go back in the studio.
It seems clear that neither Ben or Tracey are quite ready for a new project.
Should they go back in the studio anyway, or should they be allowed to
wait until they are ready and truly committed, however long it takes?

选择wait的大概为69%,record now的31%:cute:

Indieman 发表于 2003-5-21 21:40:40

觉得Kristin Scott Thomas还可以吧,不过也不是太合适人选
但找Jennifer Anniston就太恐怖了,完全不同感觉的两类人

直直 发表于 2003-5-22 23:02:26


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