#Modernism and post modernism, its innovation spirit makes a greatbreakthrough to the architecture design theory and applied arts, and open
anew era for architecture abstract modelling and the craft aesthetic view of
the great industry produce at art. In order to cope with the complicated
world nowadays, architect use the new thinking and control means --the
computer technology, contacts with the extremely complicated mathematics model, which is the representative of architecture. And link the mankind culture and scientific civilization up with architecture closely.
#Re-flection stage The age we living now a different from any other
architectural style period in history. Many different tidal currents exist
at the same time, some of them are even opposite to each other. It greatly
confused us.
#Simplism times ----and its aesthstic view with " Buddhism type" (" estern
like simple style ", act a purify role of space). Simplism caters to the
graceful fashion, so it avoids the pathos of reminiscence. Following the
simple aesthetic style, white is the leading color in this pure ivory tower
, extremely pure. It reflects " the luxury of zen", the eastern quiet theme
fills the air in the zen style. It also shows the affirmation to the
symbolic power of architecture art. And it explains its art expression in
contrasting and assorting with the natural environment. Thereby it created
one's own beauty. So it becomes a precious exception of the design scene and a remarkable success. We should have sober consciousness( spacious angle sense) of style, and great buildings are usually created with very direct
#We need to fuse the national culture and western modernism culture with
materialism and dialectical method, and shorten the distance on architecture
technology and design theory ( Simplelism will be the inevitable.) 不对,发现了一个错误。第一句改成:Modernism and post modernism, their innovation spirits make a great breakthrough to the architecture design theory and applied arts