此图让我想到THE WALL
. we don't need no thoughts control 这是他妈发什么神金啊~ 我晕,这些人全疯拉~! 有无可能是做上去的? eEop 于 6-20-2003 08:10 写道:有无可能是做上去的?
没看出来~! 排得太整齐了。。。行为艺术? 就是裸体漂流纪的那个摄影师搞得
Sales TechniqueA sports shop “Decathlon” in Germany, during their opening of the store made the following advertisement:
Get dressed for free, from head to toe ,first come first serve.
Only condition: come naked. 行为艺术比较有可能
裸奔节? Originally posted by hemingway at 6-21-2003 09:12:
当场昏死8-(,这可以增加营业额? 怎么看都觉得好象是纳粹的集中营. 恩,进毒气室前的合影留念