ryan 发表于 2003-8-7 17:39:18


ALICE:Tell me more about your it.
You: penis?
You: wanna lick?
ALICE: OK, I will lick.
You: Don't make me sick you fucking bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. My brain contains 43269 categories, but not one that matches your last input.
You: you said you wanna lick my dick
ALICE: OK, I will lick his or her dich.

非谓语动词 发表于 2003-8-7 18:51:55

You: could you speak chinese?
ALICE: Yi diar. Ni hao ma?
You: say something more in chinese
ALICE: "something more in chinese"

成天闲着 发表于 2003-8-8 10:22:49

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