[the left leg] if you don't share your files then you can lick my balls
[nights-zhong] ok ~wait a minute
[nights-zhong] dont ban me!
[the left leg] ok give me a minute to find you again
[the left leg] ok
[the left leg] you're unbanned
[nights-zhong] what do u mean by 'lick my balls'?
[the left leg] it means if you do not share your files, you will be banned again
[nights-zhong] .......
[nights-zhong] lick the ball
[the left leg] you are still not sharing your files
[the left leg] share them
[nights-zhong] find again
[the left leg] or be banned
[nights-zhong] i shared just now
[the left leg] there aren't any files shared, but whatever
[nights-zhong] that's impossible baby
[nights-zhong] try again
[the left leg] it still doesn't find any files. i don't really care tho
[nights-zhong] u can restart the slsk
[nights-zhong] i have something to do,see you later
[the left leg] ok take it easy
[nights-zhong] thanks
[nights-zhong] what kinds of music do you like?
[the left leg] underground hip hop, stuff like lamb.. er it's a difficult question
[the left leg] i'd recommend you download the remix of ghostwriter
[nights-zhong] i like slick rick very much
[the left leg] ok, bit before my time, i prefer aesop rock
[nights-zhong] trip-hop is my flava
[the left leg] you got everlast?
[the left leg] i like trip hop, but i find it gets a bit much
[nights-zhong] what is the differences between underground hip hop & hip hop?
[the left leg] i'll add some stuff you might want to my shared
[nights-zhong] thanks any way
[the left leg] hip hop is people like dr dre telling you they slap their hos and kill motherfuckers
[the left leg] underground hip hop is more chilled, not so arrogant, but takes some getting used to
[the left leg] it's not made to make money
[nights-zhong] yeah,more chilled .i agree with you
[the left leg] do you have any aesop rock?
[nights-zhong] alternative music is always not made to make money
[nights-zhong] do u mean space rock?
[the left leg] aesop rock
[the left leg] look in my files
[the left leg] you files are shared now by the way
[nights-zhong] i have shared
[the left leg] good
[nights-zhong] i haven't never heared of aesop rock
[nights-zhong] i have to wash my body,see u later
[the left leg] download track 4 from labour days. "flashflood"
[nights-zhong] ok
[the left leg] i hog the splif
[nights-zhong] where are you from?
[the left leg] london
[nights-zhong] im from china~
[nights-zhong] i have to go now,see u soon
[the left leg] bye
不知道里面说的aesop rock是啥人物呢
这是我下载rjd2时聊的:v: |