

dachy 发表于 2014-3-17 15:33:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Babacar (album)

Babacar (album)

Midsummer (single)

Midsummer (single)

["Babacar", Mesmer, 1997]

因为Caroline Crawley在4AD超级组合This Mortal Coil里的美好表现("Mr. Somewhere","Late Night"简直是TMC一线经典),很多本来不认识Shelleyan Orphan(雪莱遗孤)的人也会前来掘听(虽然在豆瓣的听过数还是与地位不符地奇低)。她的音色天真梦幻,但又不是现在小清新那类底子不够作态来补的幼稚感,想模仿都挺难,从而辨识度非常高。更不用提Shelleyan Orphan的古情骚音,导致这样的结合在当时的乐坛无出其右。虽然因为乐器的运用被归为「新古典」,但年代也好内核也好跟Darkwave界的同名乐风完全没有半毛钱关系。Shelleyan Orphan在1992年出版第三专辑《Humroot》后不久解散,直到2000年为了录一首合辑曲而重组(而长达8年后才出版第四张专辑)。而在这两个时间点之间存在的玩票组合,就是这个Babacar,以Caroline Crawley领头,吸纳前The Cure和Presence(也是一个短命乐队,也有前The Cure的人)的成员而成。虽然Shelleyan Orphan的另一半Jemaur Tayle后亦加入,但并未列在唱片credit内。

Babacar一词意义不解,搜索结果也大多显示为60年代法国小甜心France Gall的歌名。虽然很多资料把乐风归为「world music」,但……明显鬼扯,顶多是有点Ethnic的味道,但和普遍认知里的「世界音乐」基本就不挨边,灵魂仍旧可以算入「另类音乐」,还是有点Folk Rock的那种。虽然中间某一首小试暴烈,但整张里弥漫着的甜美气息,甚至吉他的音色光泽,都不得不让人更想归入Dream-pop一脉,更能获得小众话题性呢。厂牌叫Mesmer,目测就是为了出这张东西的一个自主名头,还有同样名字的一首歌呢。

单曲以及专辑主打《Midsummer》应该是先于专辑出街,查了一下作者只有Caroline Crawley一人,真是才女呢。看似不好唱的诗化的词、主副歌之间不太明显的起伏,居然也能被她处理得行云流水(好俗的形容)—— 流水嘛,正好有这么一句「Confused sleep / with the death blue flame / A river deep that lies beneath / and has no name」;编曲娓娓道来又不失韵律感,完成度甚高,不过对于经历过Shelleyan Orphan练手的她来说只是小意思。间奏的提琴是最所谓民族风之所在,说白了也只是有点凯尔特罢了,还不算是太离谱。



Oh God I want to stay in your arms today with humour
I'm spitting out clouds of confusion
With your name on my lips

Just balancing
Everything is other and nothing feels like me

Still as the clearest pool of water - I'm melting
Swirling up into the ether
There's no way up or down

Lost in the middle, the muddle the middle
The cry of piggle is muddling me
A dream to awaken me
Lost in the middle, the the muddle the middle
The cry of piggle is muddling me
You awaken me

Oh God I want to stay in your arms today with humour
I'm spitting out clouds of confusion
With your name on my lips

Lost in the middle, the muddle the middle
The cry of piggle is muddling me
A dream to awaken me
Lost in the middle, the muddle the middle
The cry of piggle is muddling me
You awaken me

Up or down...
Swirling up into the ether
With your name on my lips

Confused sleep with the death blue flame
The river deep that lies beneath and has no name
Confused sleep with the death blue flame
The river deep that lies beneath and has no name

Balancing... balancing...
Oh God I want to stay in your arms today

Oh God I want to stay in this song today...


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 楼主| dachy 发表于 2014-3-17 15:55:53 | 显示全部楼层
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