Source: Correspondence of the Three William Byrds of Westover. 2 vols..ed. Marion Tinling (Charlottesville: University Press of Virdinia, 1977), 2:487-89.
They import so many Negros hither, that I fear this colony will some time or other be confirmed by the name of New Guinea... They blow up the pride, & ruin the industry of our white people, who seing a rank of poor creatures below them, detest work for fear it shoud make them look like slaves. Then that poverty which will ever attend upon idleness, disposes them as much to pilfer, as it dos the Portuguese, who account it much more like a gentleman to steal, than to dirty their hands with labour of any kind.
But these private mischeifs are nothing if compard to the publick danger. 之后说的就是黑人数量只众,迟早有人要造反,tinge our rivers as wide as they are with blood. 到时候损失的比得到的要多得多。
They prove as troublesome & dangerous every where. |