Phil Perry's Party!
地点:Club Cloud 9 九霄俱乐部(朝阳区三里屯北街七号楼)
Phil Perry(菲尔 巴利)
如今,只要是爱参加Party跳舞的年轻人,无论他或她在哪个国家,他们都知道一个叫Phil Perry的英国人。他早已经成为全世界DJ、派对、时尚领域大受瞩目的一位大师级人物。
Phil Perry,英国乃至整个欧洲House音乐的开创领军者!他受人尊敬,不仅仅因为长达25年的DJ生涯!更由于直到今天,他依然无时无处不表现出过人的激情与活力!每个周末,Phil都会在不同的国家、不同的Club度过,这是他的工作更是他的生活,而且已经持续了接近10年并将继续下去!这叫做Travelled DJ(旅行DJ),因为有太多的人需要领受Phil的现场,所以他不停得从Club到机场,在从机场到Club。1978年时,你在做什么?就连现在全球各大Party都会和度假胜地的人们那时都还不了解什么是Rave,更不知道DJ在未来将对他们的生活产生多么巨大的影响!Phil在1978年正由一名英国航空公司的助理工程师开始变成享受Clubbing Lifestyle(俱乐部式生活)的DJ,原因竟然是“他想白天休息,晚上工作”!很偶然的,Phil是在朋友的私人Party上打碟,他的身份是朋友+DJ。他说“我成为一名DJ实在是个巧合,但一切就从那时开始了”!
一个受人敬佩、全球排名前百的大牌DJ的开始和进步是这样的:在无数场现场打碟中锤炼自己、在众多Club Party中成长起来、对于技术和设备的掌控象工程师对待飞机那样精细、苛刻!还有不可或缺的就是:竭尽所能了解众多音乐,自如控制所有的Party场面,无论几百人还是60万人!Phil从90年代中后期开始拥有了显赫的国际音乐背景成为堪称完美的巡演DJ!鼎鼎大名的Massive Attack(大举进攻)、Leftfield(左倾)、Faithless(无信念)等团体长年与他保持巨星级的合作!Phil同时不定期出版自己的专辑唱片、受邀为近20部电影作原声音乐、在数十个录音棚参与完成音乐制作计划至今!Phil太忙了!简直有做不完的事情,怎样保持一种良好的状态呢?他说“我永远对House音乐有一种强烈的激情,无法自拔”!。完美不是说和写出来的,给Phil不超过3小时,他会向你表现他所拥有的和你想要的!

Phil Perry – Biography
Phil Perry – let’s face it, if you haven’t heard of him where have you been all these years. Phil is one of the UK house originals, a respected DJ who’s been playing for 25 years and is still as fresh as ever. As well as being the man behind the infamous Full Circle parties and one of the world’s most travelled DJs, he’s also a damn fine producer into the bargain.
Born in Liverpool, he began in DJing in 1978 while working at British Airways as an apprentice engineer. Unfortunately his shifts weren’t exactly compatible with an increasingly hectic clubbing lifestyle; fortunately for the rest of us it was the day job that suffered. Phil got his first break behind the decks courtesy of soul legend Bob Masters at the Bournemouth Soul Weekender in 1981. DJing wasn’t quite such a popular occupation at the time, of course.
“I got into DJing more by accident than design,” he remembers. “I was the ‘friend’ who had the decent record collection, who did parties for friends in their houses and then clubs – the whole thing just grew from there.”
The arrival of house music and the whole acid house scene changed everything and Phil was soon putting on his own parties, most notably Full Circle. Launched in 1990, it ran every Sunday for seven years at various venues around Surrey and practically all the influential European and American DJs of the time graced the decks at Full Circle at some point.
Think Carl Cox, Justin Robertson, Andrew Weatherall, Danny Howells, Jim Masters, Rocky and all the gang; think Tony Humphries, Todd Terry, David Morales and Robert Owens - hell, this was the first club Danny Tenaglia played at in the UK! Full Circle pretty much invented the Sunday clubbing phenomenon and it made Phil one of the most respected DJs around.
His career has seen Phil play at all the best underground and high profile clubs throughout the UK and beyond. He’s brought the Full Circle vibe to the likes of nights like Faith, Renaissance, Back to Basics and Shindig, as well as venues like Turnmills, The End, the Ministry of Sound and The Bomb in Nottingham to name a few. On the international front, there’s hardly a club Phil hasn’t played at but as a snapshot: Zouk in Singapore eight times; the D! Club in Lausanne, Switzerland where he held a bi-monthly residency and Club Q in Zurich; Mazzo in Amsterdam; Soda in Athens and all the main venues in Ibiza.
Leftfield chose him as their support DJ on their first tour and he also played with them at the notorious ‘Trainspotting’ party at the Cannes Film Festival in 1996. He joined Leftfield once again on their last tour in 2001 in which the band and DJs were broadcast over the internet to over 250,000 people around the globe.
Phil was Massive Attack’s choice of DJ when they played in Prague and Faithless took him with them to Israel and then to their massive show at the Brixton Academy back in London. He’s also worked with Peter Gabriel at the WOMAD festival in South Africa, as well as touring with artists as diverse as Gary Clail, 808 State and Lou Reed.
With a pedigree like that, it’s hardly surprising that Phil is held in such regard by his fellow DJs and he’s equally at home playing at smaller, intimate nights like Medicine in London and Taste at the Liquid Room in Edinburgh. There’s been plenty of Phil Perry productions and remixes too. As well as running the Full Circle label, Phil has recorded under such guises as 10th Street Assembly, Mind Becomes Drum, Blood Runs Dry, Faith Dept and most recently Autonomous Soul with releases on the Low Pressings and Plastica imprints.
Two of his tracks also appeared on the soundtrack to the ‘Tinsel Town’ television show and Phil mixed the ‘Jackpot presents Guerilla’ and ‘Mazzo Mixup’ albums. On the remix front, meanwhile, Paradise Organisation, Déjà Vu, Latour, Serotonin and the Disco Evangelists’ mighty ‘De Niro’ have all had the Phil Perry treatment. Enough history already – we all know the score! There’s no argument, Phil is a force to be reckoned with both behind the decks and in the studio but what’s he up to nowadays?
Well, he’s currently busy in the studio as well as continuing to DJ all over the place. Ever the sort to get stuck in, Phil’s also back throwing parties under the Sermon and South names and the word on the street is that the vibe is as strong as back in the Full Circle days. So what's kept his love of house music strong over the years?
“All the producers, DJs and clubbers who’ve remained true all these years,” he says, “and most of all ‘true house music’. The reason why I DJ is because I have a passion for house music in all its credible forms. If it’s good on the ear I’ll play it regardless of style.”
What essential ingredient or quality does a record need, therefore, to make it into a Phil Perry set?
“Musical content for starters,” he explains. “A strong bassline, deepness, rhythm, something that has soul; stuff that makes your heart start to race when you first hear it followed by an irresistible urge to move to it. When a dancefloor are down with what you’re playing and are really vibed up, it fires me up. Then it fires them up more and fires me up even more; they go higher and then the house catches fire – enough said!”
With all the doom and gloom about dance music from some quarters, you might be forgiven for thinking Phil might have hung up his headphones. He’s having none of it, however.
“After the last the couple of years,” says Phil, “things appear to be coming back round to a more positive state. Individuality has made a welcome return, not just in music and clubs, but also in the attitude of the clubber and that can only be a good thing.”
If ever there was the perfect time for a DJ of Phil Perry’s ability, commitment and downright passion, then surely that time is now. Just one thing though – give him at least a three-hour set so he can really show you what he can do.
Phil Perry has his own website at |