
Michael Kamen & Elizabeth Fraser - Take Me With You

chenfayefaye 发表于 2003-12-14 00:51:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<img src="http://www.wdyouth.com/wdphoto/up/20031214047330.gif" style="float:left">

The Winter Guest (Ost):

1 Long Cold Walk
2 Cush Macree
3 World's in Color
4 Alex's House
5 Beach
6 Walk in the Field
7 Photos
8 Nita
9 Can I Touch Your Hair?
10 On the Ice
11 My Name Is Elspeth
12 Take Me With You
13 Wanker

<img src="http://www.samcabrera.com/emma/graphics/photos/films/thewinterguest01.jpg" style="float:left">孤独的钢琴敲着敲着就到了尽头。一个女子。寂寞洁白,如山茶。十六年过去了。早已载誉满身。苍茫大地,谁人不知,何人不晓。她是许多人心上的宝贝。甚至被神话。只是这次不再有氤氲的吉它。她也不再有放肆的声音。所有的绝望和欲望,都被冲刷掉了。旧的一切都过去了。在清冷的琴声下,她唱起了情歌。吐字清晰,意义分明。只是颤抖如斯。天空是幽幽的暗蓝。有浓浓的山茶花香。我能爱你吗?这会不会害了你?那些爱过的人,早已消失。你伸出手去寻找。新的爱情如野花般盛开。他从天的那边把爱情带给你。然后你对他说。我会跟随着你的脚步。你的前途就是我的前途。你的事业就是我的事业。我活在你的梦中。带上我。

Michael Kamen & Elizabeth Fraser
from The Winter Guest OST

Your eyes are still closed
Are you sleeping?
Can I touch you?
Would it make you fall?

You sail in love through the sky
When there's a close slips in between us
Am I livin' your dreams?
Take me with you.

The night is still cold
Let me hold you
Drifting homewards
Do you know how the wind blows

You sail in love through the sky
And I will keep you close beside me
Am I livin' your dreams?
Take me with you.

Drifting homewards
Do you know where the wind blows
Take me with...
Take me with you

You sail in love through the sky
And I will hold you close beside me
Am I livin' your dreams?
Take me with you.

Am I livin' your dreams?
Take me with you.

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Dionysos 发表于 2003-12-14 06:00:32 | 显示全部楼层
我的老天。。。MICHAEL KAMEN也跑去找LIZ玩啦?!!:sweat:

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weed 发表于 2004-5-21 21:20:02 | 显示全部楼层
heavenly voice

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