在搜索prefab sprout的时候很偶然发现了贵坛,发现有人和我一样喜欢他们,所以发个帖子和大家一起谈谈他们的音乐。
对于我来说,迷上prefab,从时间上来说有点不可思议,毕竟他们出道窜红的80年代,我还在牙牙学语呢!大概是96,97年,第一次从雀巢咖啡音乐时间里(也是我音乐重要的启蒙),听到他们可爱的the king of rock and roll,然后就是那首无比经典的when love breaks down,后来的几年中又听到了cars & girls!!就是这三首歌曲,坚定的树立了我要找到他们更多歌曲的决心!!随着互联网的普及,我的梦想慢慢的向他们靠近,先是在bbc worldservice里的音乐节目中点播他们的歌曲,而后就是通过热心的prefab迷,拥有了他们绝大多数的作品!!
在prefab的音乐里,最难以忘怀的就是Paddy那优美诗化般的歌词!!Paddy的歌词涉及到英美文化的方方面面,有些歌曲在我们这些异国听众听来,理解上会有一定的困难,但这丝毫不影响我们对他的喜爱!!Paddy那温柔磁性的嗓音,new wave那精巧的编排与配器,再加上wendy那不食人间烟火般清澈的和音,经常会让人无比叹服和感动!!
Paddy也于去年推出了个人的专集,呵呵,现在还没有完全的消化。但是我想,如果只能让我从浩瀚的音乐海洋里选择一个陪伴我到老的话,无疑是Prefab Sprout!!
最具有电影镜头感的悲伤情歌when love breaks down
my love and I,we are boxing clever,she'll never crowd me out
Fall be free as old confetti,and paint the town,paint the town...
最动人的电话情歌he'll have to go
put Ur sweet lips a little closer to the phone,
let's pretend we're together all along...
最有趣可爱的一首歌曲the king of rock & roll
hot doy,jumping frog
最让女孩子动心的歌曲Nancy(let Ur hair down for me)
Nancy let Ur hair down for me,nancy leave the office behind,then
nancy let that fall off Ur shoulder
I'll be Ur husband once again
多么体贴细心的Paddy,当妻子要把头发挽起来,出去辛劳的工作时,Paddy轻声地说:“Nancy,let Ur hair down for me!”,哎呀,真是感动死人了!!
最青涩的爱情故事we let the stars go
there was a girl I used to know--she'd tease me about my name
fan the embers long enough,I sometimes catch Her flame...
Paddy Joe,say Paddy Joe,don't U remember me?
how long ago one gorgeous night we let the star go
最诗化的千禧之歌Carnival 2000
tonight let's raise a glass my friend
to those who couldn't make it
a century has shut its eyes and who're we to wake it...
最充满童话色彩的歌曲Never trust a spell
那里都不如家乡好的where the heart is
maybe other lights are brighter than these street lights row by row
and I know is this is home
it's where the heart is...
最让人感悟良多的一首life's miracle
tell someone U love them-there always a way
and if the dead could speak I know what they would say to U & me----
don't waste another day...
最卡通的一首歌曲farmyard cat
其实还有好多精彩的歌曲,由于能力有限就先写这么多了,希望同样喜欢prefab的朋友能和我一起聊聊!! |