Brown_Eyes 在 30-9-2004 13:00 发表:
The Internet Movie Database 词解:
A low-budget, second tier movie, frequently the 2nd movie in a double-feature billing. B-films were cheaper for studios because they did not involve the most highly paid actors or costly sets, and were popular with theater owners because they were less expensive to bring into their theaters while still able to draw revenue.
基本上这类电影都是恐怖片或喜剧 很多电影甚至成为Cults 实际上Cult电影里很大一部分都是B-Movies
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Shaolin vs. Lama
B-Movie导演中最为人熟知的便是Ed Wood 啊 如果你看过Johnny Depp 主演的电影[Ed Wood] 相信你会更宄?亓私釨-Movie的概念
Ed Wood怀旧照照一张: |