

MECA 发表于 2005-5-17 07:23:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
20日晚,无名高地,观音唱片/Sub Jam为日本笔记本“红人”Marqido安排的小型演出,同台的还有观音大将武权、实验顽主王凡、电子超人718,极简至于明星fm3中的张荐是否参加,要视路况及天气而定。
21日下午4点,798工厂南门画廊,作为大山子艺术节的一部分,Marqido、张荐、武权、王凡、颜峻、718、李剑鸿(杭州)、兰州噪音协会(兰州)、林志英(深圳)、Jackson Garland(美国,暂居北京)、Eegene Martynec(加拿大,暂居北京)、C-Drik(比利时)……将有一场隆重的演出。



Marqido(www.marqido.com),全身红衣,持笔记本造音。曾与大友良英、jojo 广重(非常阶段)、Magical Power Mako等艺人同台及合作,最近与Afrirampo、灰野敬二、Kiyasu等全身一色衣服的怪人演出……
Jackson Garland:北京新近出头的老外后摇滚乐队Randomk成员,采样、人声、古董电子设备……
Eegene Martynec:来自加拿大的电子原音老头,横跨学院和街头,风格即兴、精准、实验,也曾摇滚、流行、获奖。


Marqido started in Tokyo in 2003 that is the solo project of PowerBook
player, Nakayuki Matumoto (松本仲之). After that an improvisatorial dancer,
Shukuka Chikanari joined in Marqido. In May,2004,Marqido collaborated
with Magical Power Mako .He is a Japanese unique musician since
1970's.Marqido released a DVD,'Marqido + Magical Power Mako' from
independence label named MARQIMEDIA and Mako's label KEROJETTER,that
contains the session with Mako.

In October,2004,Marqido went to Korea for plays in an advanced music
event, Bulgasari .Yoshihide Otomo and Jojo Hiroshige(Hijokaidan) has
also been played in the event.November,Marqido released a new album
'Democritus' is first release on japanese label,DHARMADOLL.The album is
the electronic music of five experimental tracks.The psychedelic
illustrater, Yunico Uchiyama that wrote the illustration of Democritus
also designed the T-shirt for Marqido,is released on box edition.

In 2005,Marqido holds an event ‘Aka to Kuro’ that is importance to the
color.Keiji Haino,Afrirampo,Kiyasu and Marqido,in the performers.They
are reds or blacks.And ........ The tour of
Seoul,Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,New York, and Toronto,the release on
canadian label is scheduled in 2005.



  fm3成立于2000年,由居住在北京的键盘手张荐和电子乐制作人Christiaan Virant(DJ 老赵)组建。他们是中国最早的现场电脑音乐家。
  张荐,毕业于四川音乐学院附中钢琴专业,1995年来京,以张楚乐队成员身份参加过《中国火》、《摇滚北京》、《再见张炬》、《造飞机的工厂》等专辑录制。以及《唐朝老五-再度归来》、许巍《那一年》、瘦人乐队《瘦人》、鲍家街43乐队《花火》、叶蓓《双鱼》、病医生《夜上浓妆》、二手玫瑰《二手玫瑰》。先后参加了子曰、野孩子、王勇音乐小组等乐队,现担任不一定乐队键盘手。 话剧配乐有《保尔·柯察金》(蔡尚君)、《赵氏孤儿》(林兆华)、《樱桃园》(林兆华)等;电影配乐有:《旧约》、《净土》、《哎呀呀,去哺乳》、《夜景》、《雾語》、《脸不变色心不跳》、《WC呼呼哈嘿》、《死亡的内景》、《星星相吸惜》(以上导演均为崔子恩)《春季》(彭涛)等……即将在Sublime Frequencies发表个人田野录音专辑(西藏),在观音唱片发表个人现场录音《喘颂》。
  2005年在观音唱片发表现场专辑《喘颂》;在Sublime Frequencies(美国)发表田野录音专辑“Streets of Lhasa”。

  fm3参加过的演出有:2002年柏林Maerz Musik音乐节,2002年罗马Dissonanze音乐节,2002年丽江雪山音乐节、2004年北京声纳(Sounding Beijing)音乐节……
  2002年12月,fm3参加了在北京藏酷新媒体艺术中心举办的2小时的“Sub Space”专场演出,同时发表了自制EP“Bypass Delay”(《旁路延时》),同样,fm3的首张专辑“Ambience Sinica”,以及同名专辑,也都通过自制发行的方式流传。他们也在摩登天空(北京)、Dreamland Recordings(澳大利亚)、Gogo(香港)、芥子园(北京)、Bip-Hop(法国)、Mousike Records(意大利)等公司发表过一些单曲和re-mix作品。即将在Staalplaat发表两张专辑。fm3成员与窦唯等音乐家合作的唱片《镜花缘记》、《一举·两得》、《三国四记》已经陆续发表。
  2003年到2004年,fm3和颜峻、武权、王凡合作了“十夜谈”系列活动,以及“水煮黄昏”、“不可能”等综合形式的艺术表演。他们的声音装置作品参加了“玩非玩”联展、与画家丁乙合作的展览。张荐于2004年1月在东京参加“Out The Window”艺术展的表演,老赵一直在为BBC电台的On The Wire节目制作新音乐节目,在乐队演出之外,他们的个人艺术活动也相当忙碌。

6月:巴黎卢浮宫Auditorium;巴黎SQUATT:la miroiterie paris 20;瑞士苏黎世:squad;瑞士BAAR:spinnihalle;瑞士伯尔尼:tonus-music labor;瑞士Basel:nt-areal;瑞士伯尔尼:录音于tonus-music labor;荷兰DAI(荷兰艺术学院)研究生班讲座及研究生毕业典礼演出;
10月,马塞;“不眠夜”,巴黎;布鲁塞尔recycle art;荷兰Impakt音乐节

Zhang Jian bio

Zhang Jian was born in 1970 in Sichuan province, China. he graduated from Accessorial Middle School of Sichuan Music Institute in piano major. moved to Beijing in 1995 and joined front line of China's rock scene then.
Zhang Jian recorded for numberless rock albums as keyboard player. as well composed for dramas and more than 10 films. he had joined series of important rock/new music bands in Beijing.
he is member of China's electronic muisc pioneer band fm3. also is one of China's leader jazz group "Bu Yi Ding".
fm3 performed in Maerz Musik Festival (Berlin), Dissonanze Festival (Rome), Sounding Beijing (Beijing), Garage Festival (Stralsund), Nuit Blanche (Paris), Impakt Festival (Utrecht)... Zhang Jian also been present in world wide performance events as solo artist or member of different groups.
recently Zhang Jian released a field recording album on Sublime Frequencies label and a live recording album on KwanYin label.



Wu Quan, born in Beijing in 1961.
graduated from the Central Academy of Arts and Design of China in 1986, got a Bachelor degree. then he got a job as Lecturer in Beijing Arts and Crafts School for 4 years before he decided to start his art career.
Wu Quan started to creat his multi-media art works from 2001.

1990      二人绘画展  中央美术学院画廊。
1991      四人绘画展  中国革命博物馆。
1995      个展  中国美术馆。
2002      《点亮长城音乐节》(与fm3)
2003      与"不一定"乐队在上海演出《三国·四记》
        《OUT THE WINDOW》中、日、韩艺术联展
2003-2004  与颜峻、fm3、王凡合作表演即兴音景《不可能》、《水煮黄昏》
2004      与"不一定"乐队在后海合演系列作品《百合》  北京
          "第一届大山子国际艺术节"  798艺术工厂  北京
          "Nuit Blanche"艺术节  巴黎
          "第五届上海双年展" 上海
          "1000 revolutions per second"布鲁塞尔
2005      大理workshop





1994年,与残响乐队合作,演出风格复杂的摇滚乐作品。 1996年,移居北京;创作《大法度》(Dharma’s Crossing)、《以身相许》等作品。
2001年,发表专辑《身体里的冥响》(Sound Of Meditation Within The Body)(出品:Sub Jam·铁托/Origin·本);与乐队合作,在昆明、北京等地做即兴音乐专场演出。
2002年,为小说朗诵会《斯巴达》配乐;为实验电影《冬至》(An Anti Ant)(出品:Sub Jam·铁托)配乐;重新发行专辑《身体里的冥响》(Sound Of Meditation Within The Body)(出品:Noise Asia);与日本噪音音乐家和蒙古khoomii及马头琴音乐家合作演出。
2003年,噪音专辑《车前子的诗歌》;为实验话剧《审问记》配乐;为实验话剧《火脸》配乐;参加“声纳2003·北京国际电子音乐节”;发表专辑《无限反复》(《斯巴达》配乐re-mix)(出品:Adopin·阿都品/Sub Jam·铁托)。
2004年,2月,上海,“打开天空”;5月,瑞士伯尔尼、苏黎世演出;7月,话剧《火脸》韩国演出现场配乐;9月,上海,“On Sale”艺术展;10月,“哈尔滨新音乐艺术节”;11月,杭州,第二层皮音乐节……


Yan Jun

music culture and collection of reviews:
Rock With Iron & Blood (1999)
New Sound From Beijing (1999)
Noises Inside (2001)
Under-underground (2002)
Bohemia China (collaboration, 2003 Hongkong, 2004 mainland China)
Noises In-Burning (2004 mainland China, 2005 Taiwan)

49 Poems (1996)
Infrasonic Sound (2001)
Editor In Chief & Producer for literary magazine "Writing"

music & sound-poem:
Impossible (live, with fm3, Sub Jam, 2003)
The Other Two Comrades + Yan Jun - Live in Guangzhou and Hangzhou (with Huan Qing and Chen Zhipeng, Sub Jam, 2004)
The Other Two Comrades + Yan Jun + Top Floor Circus - Improvisation in Shanghai (KwanYin, 2005)

Performance (selected):
1999-2002, poem-reading with rock, jazz and folk musicians in Chengdu, Beijing, Guangzhou and Lanzhou
2002, "Sparta" novel-reading drama, All Sages Book Store, beijing, with Wang Fan and other artists and writers
2003, "Impossible", All Sages Book Store, beijing, with fm3 and Wu Quan (visual artist)
2003, "Boiling Dusk", Vibes, beijing, with fm3 and Wu Quan (visual)
2003-2004, "Ten Nights Discussion", a series with fm3, Wu Quan (visual) and Wang Fan
2004, DDM Warehouse Art Center, Shang Hai, with Christiaan and Wu Quan (visual)
2004, Com Plus Cafe & Gallery, Fukuoka (Japan)
2004, Houhai Nameless Underground Bar, beijing, a series with fm3 and Dou Wei
2004, "Chendu Blog China Tour", 10 cities, with The Other Two Comrades (Huan Qin and Chen Zhipeng)
2004, "Nuit Blanche (Sleepless Night)", Paris, with fm3 and Wu Quan (visual)
2004, "1000 Revolutions Per Second", Brussels, with Wu Quan (visual)
2004, Hangzhou, 2pi festival
2005, Kunming and Dali, "Freedom in Sound and Visual" workshop

Curate, Organize and Co-Organize (selected):
1999, Otomo Yoshihide Beijing concerts
2000, Alex Paterson + Thomas Felhmann China Tour
2000, The Ruins China Tour
2001, Bo-n'z Beijing concerts
2002, Haino Keiji + Yoshida Tatsuya Beijing concert
2002, fm3, Zuo Xiao Zu Zhou and The Tongue concert in Beijing and Lanzhou
2003, "Sounding Beijing International Electronic Music Festival"
2004, "798 Soundscape" for "Da Shan Zi International Art Festival"


  Sub Jam/观音唱片旗下艺人。
  主要作品:《718》民谣作品专辑、《不渔》音乐作品专辑、《非攻》音乐作品专辑(2004年发表于Sub Jam)、《安》声音作品专辑(2005年发表于观音唱片)、《北七》电子原音音乐作品、《梅占》管风琴作品等。
  2003设计制作第八音频网及其论坛,2004年“798 艺术节” 声音部分的表演,“谁在春天里歌唱”演出,“观音计划”专场电子音乐演出等;《麻音乐》母带处理及缩混,与中、日、港艺术家在LANDSCAPE作品LANDSCAPE CD–001发表《田开疆》。


2003年6月与陈伟、金闪创立2pi Records  



  2001年6月,我在兰州大学对面,一只船北街那间昏暗的小店——非主流专卖——里面得到了“非法聚会”贝司手别峰的第一张个人专辑。那是一盒录在鹦鹉牌磁带上的小样,是别峰在研究数码效果器时临时决定录下来的噪音。非常直接和直觉,如果说听到第2面的时候开始有重复的感觉,那么至少它已经初具规模,它甚至并不粗糙简单,动机涌现并且被潜在的发展所控制,暴躁的灵光初现就又转入内省的声流,虽然还有一些受制于情绪的传统感觉,但别峰对声音的理解是自然、安静的。而在这之前,刘剑和原疾速金属乐队“残响”及另类摇滚乐队“解散”的吉他手周进(他还组建过短暂的电子摇滚乐队“石像”,并作为王凡的乐手参加了上海演出)合作了半首黑暗氛围和noise drone风格的作品,由于技术性的原因,这首长篇作品一直没有最后完成。

1983 年生于海南,深圳长大。1999 年首次听到日本噪音艺术家秋田昌美(Merzbow)后深受噪音艺术感召,并立即开始着手创作。2003 - 2004 年作品结集为《Selected Works 2003 - 2004》,在互联网发表。2004 年八月参加广州“非法出声”演出。作品“东京铁拳”被录像艺术家曹斐选为其短片作品《Cosplayers》配乐,该作品于 2004 年参加第五届上海双年展。2004 年十一月参加杭州第二届“第二层皮音乐节”演出。2004 年底在广州 Solo 吧演出。个人新作专辑即将由 Threshold Production 厂牌发行。


Eugene Martynec

Eugene Martynec has been involved in all facets of music making since high school in Toronto Canada in the late 1960's.  He has performed , composed or recorded with pop groups, pit orchestras, music for visual media and live theatre. He studied electronic music, composition and orchestration with Dr. Samuel Dolin at the Royal Conservatory of Music where he received 2 scholarships to study electronic music and composition (1970-1975).  His interest in record production resulted in Juno Awards (Canadian Grammy) in 1981 and 1973 for his work with Bruce Cockburn, pop groups Rough Trade and Edward Bear. He has produced over 50 recordings from 1969 to the present. He has been awarded Canada Council ('70 ?2 ?4) and Toronto Arts Council ('94,'96,'97,'02)  awards for music composition. He taught signal processing, principals of digital audio, Midi, studio production, synthesis, and studio orchestration at the Harris and Trebas institutes in Toronto.
His main interest now is performing and composing live interactive electro-acoustic music using alternate controllers and interactive music software.



C-drik Fermont:别名C-drik, cdrk, Kirdec,等等。出生于比利时,现居住在荷兰。他曾师从欧洲“幻听(acousmatic)”学派领袖之一Annette Vande Gorne女士。作为欧洲地下电子乐场景中的活跃分子,他是Ammo、Axiome、Ambre、Moonsanto、Dead Hollywood Stars等乐队的成员,参与和制作过数十张不同风格的电子乐专辑。从西欧特产的工业音乐,到强力的EBM和极简的实验氛围,他穿梭在不同领域之间,但又保持了精确、严密和高度精神性的个人风格。最近他在亚洲(老挝、缅甸、柬埔寨、泰国、越南、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、菲律宾、韩国、中国……)巡演。


C-drík Fermont [aka C-drík, cdrk, Kirdec] is a multifaced artist, academically trained musician anddrummer ; he is electroacoustic composer Annette Vande Gorne former student [Conservatory of Mons, Belgium].Of Greek descent, born in Congo [Zaire], he lived in Belgium and since 2002 lives in the Netherland, C-drík is an eternal voyager. He juggles in between many projects and genres. His various other incarnations include Ammo [w/ John Sellekaers/Xingu Hill], Axiome [w/ Olivier Moreau/Imminent], Moonsanto [w/ Sellekaers & Silksaw], Ambre [w/ Moreau & Sellekaers], Dead Hollywood Stars [w/ Sellekaers & Hervé Thomas/Hint] to speak only about a few, and some collaborations with Mick Harris [Napalm Death, Painkiller, Scorn], Mark Spybey [Dead Voices On Air, Can, Download], Mathis Mootz [Panacea, Rich Kid, M2], David Thrussel [Black Lung, Soma, Snog], etc.  But everything started in 1989 with his first industrial and noise projects  ?rno Klank [pronouce tcherno kla-nk].

Connected to visual art [C-drík has also learnt declamation, theater and improvisions], he composes soundtracks for theater, exhibitions, sound installations, fashion shows and short movies [most of the time with handicaped people and children] and last but not least works in his mastering studio Syrphe [mainly working for electronic music such as industrial, minimal, noise, experimental, breakcore, ambient, electro, electroacoustic, etc.].

Syrphe is also a label [with a sub label called Textolux] slowly producing electronic music.

C-drík's music is not only made to be listened home but also live. He has already given a lot of concerts in many places [Western and Eastern Europe, North America, Turkey, Thailand] since 1990.
Now doing more and more polyphonic sound installations and sometimes giving quadraphonic lives.
Music is like sculpture for him. It must be three-dimensional, dynamic, this is also why he likes to work on multi channels productions [quadraphony, hexaphony, etc.].
Mainly known as musician and composer, C-drík is also a little bit know as an extreme noise and breakcore dj, anyway sometimes surprising when mixing only electro or ambient music...


1998 – Ambre : Enclave [CD  Ant-Zen, Germany]
1999 – Axiome : Rictus [CD  Ant-Zen, Germany]
2000 – Ambre & Mark Spybey : Sfumato [CD  Hushush, Canada]
2000 – Moonsanto : Dogme [CD  Hushush, Canada]
2000 – Ammo : The age of terminal irony [CD  Gun Music, USA]
2000 – Ammo : The age of terminal irony [CD  Flyco, Germany] [different mixes/tracks]
2000 – Ammo : The age of terminal irony [12"  Flyco, Germany] [different mixes/tracks]
2000 – Dead Hollywood Stars : Gone west [CD  Mad Monkey Records, USA]
2000 – Dead Hollywood Stars : Wagon of miracles [12"  Mad Monkey Records, USA]
2001 – Mick Harris & Ambre : Dys [CD  Hushush, Canada]
2001 – Ammo : Kaleinoiscope [CD  Falling Elevators, Belgium]
2001 – Ammo : Beautiful People [7"  Mirex, Germany]
2001 – XHM2 [Xingu hill  + Squaremeter] This anxious space [CD  Hymen, Germany]
2001 – Moonsanto : Fraud, Hell, Dope [CD  Hushush, Canada]
2001 – Moonsanto : Pesticide for ever kit [CD + k7  Hushush, Canada] [+ postcards, t-shirt in a special bag]
2002 – Axiome : ?a ne nous rendra pas le Congo [CD  Ant-Zen, Germany]
2002 – C-drík : Dissolution [CD Hushush / Syrphe, Canada/Belgium ]
2002 – Szkieve / Ammo : Perturbacée / Terra Amata [split picture 12" Ad Noiseam, Germany]
2002 – Logatomistes : Ke-re-k?-k?-kokex [CD Vacuum, Germany]
2002 – The Forsaken Odes Conglomarate : Tonal Tutorial [CD Ambivalence, Belgium][one track C-drík /          The Forsaken Odes Conglomarate]
2002 – Martiens Go Home : Une occasion de chute [CD Hushush / Kalinka Vinchy, Canada/Belgium][one  track Martiens Go Home / Moonsanto]
2002 – Dead Hollywood Stars : Junctions [CD Mad Monkey Records / Hymen, USA/Germany]
2002 – Dead Hollywood Stars : Junctions / Gone West [CD Mad Monkey Records / Hymen, USA/Germany]
2002 – Axiome : Va-t-il faire beau ? [12" Ant-Zen, Germany]
2003 – Ambre : Nebka / Térébrant [7" Klanggalerie, Austria]
2003 – Ambre : Le mensonge [CD Ant-Zen, Germany]
2003 – Tetra Plok : Future marker [7" Textolux, Belgium]
2003 – Kirdec : Stadskantoor zero [12" Puzzling Records, Belgium]
2003 – Crno Klank  : état des lieux [CD Adnoiseam, Germany]

Also a few  tapes were produced [1991-1998 : Crno Klank, Axiome, M.E.3 and some others], a lot of tracks for compilations [on Sub Rosa, Mirex, Hymen, Ant-Zen, Zaftig Research, DTA Records, Frozen Empire Media, Feardrop, 1000+1 Tilt Recordings, Invasion Wrechords, etc. under different names amongst them the '-drík' letters : d-drík, f-drík, t-drík, etc.] and remixes for IDLO, Le Diktat, Ambassador 21, Implant, Matmos, Norscq, etc., soundtracks or tracks for theater [Babel Q Companie, Charleroi Danse/Patrick Flament, Giovani Guzzo, ...] and cultural video clips [Blanc Murmure asbl,  3point5] and advertising [mostly non-commercial : 3point5, Télé Sambre].

Some more vinyls will be released soon on Textolux [Tetra Plok], Ad Noiseam [Ammo] and French labels Ytterbium [Kirdec] and Hangars Liquide [Kirdec]. And a new sound installation based on an utopic international language is under preparation [first exhibition in November 2004 in the Netherland], plus some new musical collaborations with Kaebin Yield and Planet Aldol.

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睡谷 发表于 2005-5-17 08:39:35 | 显示全部楼层

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健崔 发表于 2005-5-17 10:42:40 | 显示全部楼层

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Indieman 发表于 2006-3-31 16:06:49 | 显示全部楼层



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