
一张狠的:Techno Animal

badbrain 发表于 2005-5-26 09:53:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

TA:《The Brotherhood of the Bomb》
由 Kevin Martin 和前工业班霸Godflesh成员Justin Broadrick所组的techno animal类似他们另一个Project: ICE。区别在于后者在病态中游历,好似穿越惊险电影中幽暗而四通八达的地下管道(而不同于WE,Spooky等等悬浮于城市上空的浮游);前者TA的音乐表达要简单的多,通过直白、汹涌的节拍配合情节的快速推进(迅速达到高潮,够直白了吧)。
也正是因为Justin Broadrick的工业摇滚经历,加之日后成为震撼电子/说唱音乐圈化名为The Bug的Kevin联手制作,使得TA的东西永远是那么凝重,不给听众一丝的喘息。要知道《The Brotherhood of the Bomb》吸引的可是部分hip hop乐迷,是否考虑到他们的接受能力?就像ICE的《Bad Blood》,TA是一意孤行的。请来的好友皆为地下圈精英分子的APC(Anti Pop Consortium)、El-p、Sonic Sum和Dalek。此等一干人和TA的方针不谋而合,尤其像Dalek这样metal influence的Rapper,他所演绎的那首“Hell”几乎和他个人专辑作品的风格如出一辙。在这窒息的《The Brotherhood of the Bomb》中,包涵了工业的阴暗、说唱乐的凶狠、电子的冰冷。唯一没有的就是:娱乐。

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鱼r 发表于 2005-5-26 11:23:15 | 显示全部楼层
badbrain  在 5-26-2005 09:53 AM 发表:

TA:《The Brotherhood of the Bomb》
由 Kevin Martin 和前工业班霸Godflesh成员Justin Broadrick所组的techno animal类似他 ...

前一阵在wire网站浏览时还看到当时封面人物就是这被称为 the new king of NY CITY?忘记确切的标题了 但意思差不多 他们的确算是04 05年中较为活跃的一支了 去年和606合作的ep就给人凶的掉渣儿的感觉

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zoopsia 发表于 2005-5-26 13:05:12 | 显示全部楼层
GOD FLESH那个家伙,多方面发展的人物,他好象有N个分支呀.琢磨不定的人物....

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evan 发表于 2005-6-9 10:10:21 | 显示全部楼层
Curse Of The Golden Vampire
由Alec Empire (现退出了?!)和 Techno Animal  组成

The Curse Of The Golden Vampire - The Curse Of The Golden Vampire

Label: Digital Hardcore Recordings (DHR)  
Catalog: DHR CD 14  
Format: CD  
Country: UK
Released: 1998
Style: Breakbeat, Hardcore, Noise


提取码:5065050080716316  (mofile.com)

过期时间:2005-06-15 12:03:18 (多谢music!提供的VIP)

网友review @ discogs:22-Dec-04 04:35 AM

Kevin Martin - The Bug, one half of Techno Animal - has been touting his fusion of dub, metal, hip hop and techno for over a decade now; The Curse of the Golden Vampire, with fellow hardcore headz Alec Empire and JK Flesh (Napalm Death, Techno Animal), is a new incarnation of white futurist dub. Forget the reggae stylings of Mad Professor - dub has never sounded so aggressive or inhuman. Empire's eight slow, percussive tracks are torn apart by Kevin and Justin; drums become explosions, sounds clash with shards of reverb and exotic instruments wail in the mix, before each tracks drowns under its own weight, boiling down to nothing more than radio static.
One of the most convincing projects from either the Martin or the Empire camps, The Curse of the Golden Vampire is a mindblowing exercise in earbleed electronics.

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 楼主| badbrain 发表于 2005-6-14 01:25:27 | 显示全部楼层

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