2005年俄罗斯同性恋平权组织GayRussia.ru计划2006年5月27日举办同性恋骄傲(Gay Pride)游 行,莫斯科市长拒绝了批准。
但是今年5月27日,被称为Moscow Pride '06的同志集会还是进行了。只是集会演变成了暴力运动,惨目忍睹。
此次同志权利运动在聚集地Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,激进分子,民族主义者,极端保守的基督徒遇到了一起,当然还有警察和军队。

According to the St. Petersburg Times, "As the activists laid their flowers at the gate, protesters stomped on them and threw eggs and tomatoes at the activists. And as the protesters’ chants — 'Death to fags!' and 'Fags out of Russia!' — grew louder, and as the tenor of the confrontation grew uglier, OMON riot police formed a chain to pry the crowd away from the gate."

Russian Orthodox Christians held crosses and yelled into bullhorns: "Death to pederasts(鸡奸者)!"

Police lined up and detained Russian nationalists, who accused them of siding with activists.

Caught in the melee was Gay German MP, Volker Beck said: "I was attacked. It was a stone and a fist. It shows we are not safe in this country. The security forces did not protect us but instead prevented us from retreating. We were left without any protection."

"Homosexuals are not terrorists; they are not murderers; they are not fanatics who take hostages to achieve their goals. They are simply human beings who are asking that their rights to normal lives be recognised. It is nothing of which to be ashamed; it is not decadent and depraved; it is a part of human nature and has been since the dawn of civilization..."
"A hundred people were not afraid to go out and protest homophobia(同性恋憎恨)and fascism(法西斯主义)."
他还说这个运动每年都要举行一次。 |